well today was a rather interesting day...
in school we receive a news that lesson was cancelled last minute and well a trip to school for nothing.
went with my mom to office and later with my uncle to a lawyer firm to sign some documents before we head down for a sumptuous meal but damn the client who was late for almost 2 hours that my awaited meal degraded back to what i had everyday. wanton noodles. geez...
then in the evening met the long awaited gunardi from germany~
my goodness so many of my friends are gonna be doctors in practice in the near future!
that settles all the necessary professionals i might need when i get older~ buahaha
cardiologist settled! next?!
well we had noodles at crystal jade in ngeeanncity or rather takashimaya.
not bad untiol we had to get a cab which was rather scarce during that period of time so that gunardi can rush down to the airport in time for check in~ ah well at least it was fun!
then i had to go HMV and spend almost 90 dear dear dollars on my growing list of CDs.
and then i had to sound that alarm when i walk out! i admit the attention was fun and well i should have swang that bag across to sound the alarm a few more times.
i mean how many times when you shop do you get to sound that alarm?!
now im officially fed up with my assignment from cell molecular bio cos i cant freakin decipher any information i found so far~ just a bunch of craps that are of no use or are too deep to be used... damnit...
and so i ponder over this interesting yahoo site. answers@yahoo
its fun to see questions shooting all over the place... maybe im really cut out to teach...
i answer a couple of questions and posted a couple of mine... yea~ im hooked actually cos its like answering people's question and finding out something new at the same time~ extra knowledge gained! why not?!
but for now its time to sleep again~ nightie
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