Vroom Vroom!!!

(ERP ahead, remember to plug in your cashcard.)
(*BEEP* kaninah.....*&$%*r$)
Vroom Vroom~
and there goes my sorrow and grief from the week~!
even though im still sore about the paralympic thingy, well what are they trying to proof now by showing the 5 minute clip of golden girl's winning moments??
anyway, back to Singapore's first F1 race
(as well as the usual first to follow. you know la, the night race, city circuit, under-grand-stand-unique-drivethru, etc etc etc......blah blah blah)
haiya.... some things are really unpredictable...
SingaporeGP Results
Well, Alonso, Congrats to your 20th WIN~!! wohoo!!
Coulthard, Massa, better luck next time, its a really good show u put up today~
Hamilton, Wa~
Nakajima, がんばってね~ 良いのraceですね~
featuring my brother, talk and dream rubbish......
GuanHeng Ang, "hello. i very fast. i almost 1st. did you see me!? my team put my spoiler upside down. it turned into a pair of wings on my ass. i flew. i heard the other drivers say "oooooohhh" before i landed on the singapore flyer. nice view. could have been 1st. check me out at www.iflewinsingaporef1race.com"
(disclaimer: not i say one ar~)
kinda regret not getting my hands on the tickets to watch... the sound of the mean macines just make my hair stand~ MMmmm~~ :p
BUT then again, its better when you have the psyched up commentators giving you the deep downs on the game. especially when im a noobie and well, i refuse to learn la hor~
and on TV, you get all the best view while seated comfortable at home with Ben&Jerry's chocolate brownie clad in my baggy-tee and shorts haha~
kudos to the team, the drivers and not forgetting the volunteers, the staffs working OT and the organiser too~ norbel, 辛苦你了~ :)
Labels: all about life, game
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