October 05, 2008

More facebook quiz :p (Part2)

My Type of Handwriting?
normal and neat

you write normal peminship and its neat to kepp writing like that i think thats the best way to write


My Dance Moves?

Ang has the moves of a Hip Hop Dancer.
You are a party lover. You have an attitude, in a good way, and are not afraid to show aggression when needed. You don't care what people think, you have your own style.


What kinda person I'll end up with!?

Youre going to end up with a really cute person :)
You have/had awesome experience with your loved one , and you don't really care about the look , well you probably do want sumone cute ;)


What kinda date am I?

You are mature but still in the prime of your life. You especially cherish your friends, and you're emotionally ready to try out long-term relationships (if you want!). You are experienced (maybe beyond your years!), and people find that very attractive. Your date better be prepared for scintilating conversations coupled with the occasional wild time out!




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