January 30, 2005

a copy from ben's page--> rain diary

alan brownjohn
The Rain Diary
For my geography project
I would keep a rain diary, a record starting on 1st January of the days that year when it rained and approximately how much.
On 1st January there was no rain.
On 2nd January there was no rain.
It did not rain on the 3rd of 4th either.
Would I go back to school on 8th January with nothing to show?
Only blank pages with the dates in blue-black italic and the expectation of punishment?
Amanda kept a sunshine diary.
The sun shone all the time that New Year,every day was like the legendary 1st January 1942.
I saw long shadows of bare trees in Amanda's garden revolving on the stiff white grassas the sun crawled low and bright round the Warwickshire sky.
Amanda, day by day, logged her hours of sunshine in duffle coat and mittens, putting out her tongue to warm her finger tips.
Tiny planes inched over the blue from the aerodrome leaving lacystrips of vapour which crumbled into strung-out blurs.
There was no rainon 5th, 6th or 7th.
I gained a sense of what life in general would be like.
On 8th January I stood at 8.55 a.m. on the worn stone step of theschool with my blank diary - and raindrops fell.
But I had no time to write anything down, the bell was pounding in the school campanile and we could not be late.
So I opened my rain diary and let the rain fall into it,stain it and crinkle it, as the others fled past me into school.
To which rain I added my own joyful tears, knowing that Amanda might have statistics but I had a concrete event.
Benedict Goh
WhIsPeReD OuT @ 1/8/2005 11:41:45 AM
-ThE EnD-


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