May 05, 2005

dear ゆきふみ...

im at a lost again...
maybe my memory failing.... maybe im dying.... shit

hmm... i just found the blog of a very dear friend from a long time ago but lost her after O level...
i know its my fault but im trying to make up for all that ive missed out... at least im trying really hard....
well i miss them so so much...sobz... she like my only friend back then although i think ive been nasty to her before too... sorry lar ゆきふみ...
well she's the one im most apologetic to cos i thought im like the best friend to her but i forsaked her... bad bad ngee... yea now everyone know that im not a really good friend liao...
its nice to see everyone doing better than me! and it feels sucky to be behind everyone in the academic race... okay im dumb lar what to do?!

hmm... Oww..... stupid period...
owww.... i think im going to rest..... owww......


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