March 02, 2005


shyt lar~
dooms day's coming to me even earlier than expected... 4 march instead of 7...

okay a word of warning~

if i disappear on 4 march....
1. dont attempt to call me
2. dont try to find me
3. let me disappear a while lar
4. dont worry i wont kill myself one
5. this might take a while depending on the impact
6. i will continue my committments but dont karchiao me if im silent hor
7. i dont like crying cos it hurts so dont provoke me arh
8. help me divert attention
9. i may become crazier than ever

so the best thing to do is ignore me ( not forever lar)
then maybe tug me out of the mud if i seem to be sinking deeper into the relm of closure


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