My Daddy
well i stumble on the much talked about blog of Mr.Brown
and yea its the kinda blog that is magical in the fact that can actually get somebody like me who dont read blog like a story book stuck on one blog after another.
Now i can see why its asia's blog of the year or something.
Simple hard truth put out sometimes in the most subtle aspect possible, wonder how he does that
i might not be the average blog reading fan but yea maybe Mr.Brown has to be credited for his literacy skill (sorry my ang mo really cannot make it)
the father's day issue inspired me to actually pen down something about my dad that is well sensitive.
i've always been such a person who is overprotective of my family members.
im not exactly biase but its the character and attitude that i face each of them that make them unique to me.
my dad has always been really hard to understand.
he was like really naggy and sometime a lil crazy getting upset at something that all of us simply have no idea about.
then he'll get everyone tense and ready to burst because we simply dont know what is it that he's angry about.
i know he like the color blue and green,
wants to drive a luxury car like mercedes,
wants to study and get at least a degree for the fun of it(or more like fulfill a dream),
wants to retire and enjoy life,
wants a big loving and warm family,
and us all happy well and healthy.
hes terribly overly safety consious, a lil too public shy, a lil too health concious(cos he need to stay healthy to take care of us)
and well sometimes he decides to like behave a lil out of the ordinary.
but somehow performs better than expected all the time when the time calls for that.
what would i do without him?
i would have been like cheated and like not get things done properely and asked the critical questions that he knew are important.
like recently, i did so horridly for the A Levels that well none of the local university wanted me.
im the midst of shock and outmost anger+upset i had to dream what i dreaded most.
the death of my family member, this time dad.
it was really horrible and yea i was shaking throughout the day...
and that morning, i saw him out to work.
of anything at all he had to comfort me while rushing out to work and assuring me that things always have a way out no matter the impossiblity of the situation.
well being a lil melodramatic myself i moved myself to tears.
its like a touching song that plays thoughout the day that makes you cry and cry.
where on earth can you find another dad soo darling?
who can show you the same if not more care and concern when you fail them so badly?
so at MDIS he helped me and asked alot of critical questions that never even pass my mind.
besides that he decides to continue to pay for my education fees... aww...
its so darling of him although he dosent how anything
he's actions reveal everything as always...
Thanks Dad
Sorry for being such a stubborn, stupid bother...
and yea its the kinda blog that is magical in the fact that can actually get somebody like me who dont read blog like a story book stuck on one blog after another.
Now i can see why its asia's blog of the year or something.
Simple hard truth put out sometimes in the most subtle aspect possible, wonder how he does that
i might not be the average blog reading fan but yea maybe Mr.Brown has to be credited for his literacy skill (sorry my ang mo really cannot make it)
the father's day issue inspired me to actually pen down something about my dad that is well sensitive.
i've always been such a person who is overprotective of my family members.
im not exactly biase but its the character and attitude that i face each of them that make them unique to me.
my dad has always been really hard to understand.
he was like really naggy and sometime a lil crazy getting upset at something that all of us simply have no idea about.
then he'll get everyone tense and ready to burst because we simply dont know what is it that he's angry about.
i know he like the color blue and green,
wants to drive a luxury car like mercedes,
wants to study and get at least a degree for the fun of it(or more like fulfill a dream),
wants to retire and enjoy life,
wants a big loving and warm family,
and us all happy well and healthy.
hes terribly overly safety consious, a lil too public shy, a lil too health concious(cos he need to stay healthy to take care of us)
and well sometimes he decides to like behave a lil out of the ordinary.
but somehow performs better than expected all the time when the time calls for that.
what would i do without him?
i would have been like cheated and like not get things done properely and asked the critical questions that he knew are important.
like recently, i did so horridly for the A Levels that well none of the local university wanted me.
im the midst of shock and outmost anger+upset i had to dream what i dreaded most.
the death of my family member, this time dad.
it was really horrible and yea i was shaking throughout the day...
and that morning, i saw him out to work.
of anything at all he had to comfort me while rushing out to work and assuring me that things always have a way out no matter the impossiblity of the situation.
well being a lil melodramatic myself i moved myself to tears.
its like a touching song that plays thoughout the day that makes you cry and cry.
where on earth can you find another dad soo darling?
who can show you the same if not more care and concern when you fail them so badly?
so at MDIS he helped me and asked alot of critical questions that never even pass my mind.
besides that he decides to continue to pay for my education fees... aww...
its so darling of him although he dosent how anything
he's actions reveal everything as always...
Thanks Dad
Sorry for being such a stubborn, stupid bother...
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