Anonymous said...

i am fed up with people using what i created finally from my brain cells for this wee drop of uniqueness that belongs to me
all that i have to do is sleep.
anyway to all of you;
merci beaucoup!
thank you very much!
i stared at this blank page for like god-knows-how-long and finally typed in this sentence.
me to describe why.
i was really elated to see the mc manager i liked again after so bloody long and it was just wonderful to talk to him and have a little chat and so called contact with him to finally know that he's name is: Christopher. Tan ...theres raminah too...
did a survey for him. suggested mcmugger meal for the muggers in mac. and got a free chocolate dipped ice-cream come for my sister.although i know that its impossible for me, its nice to see my eye candy again. someone tall, really skinny, cheerful and simply charming. AWWwwww........
i went home in estacy of what happened and then happiness left me...
until i have to go back to the relm of the dark, damp and das.
a relm that i trespass everytime i jump into somebody elses affair. thinking that thats the right thing to do as a friend.
sometimes i wonder if my parents are correct when they say that even if i bother myelf with my friends's stuffs they will never bother themselves with me the way im wasting my time on them. seriously, i always think that they are being selfish trying to protect me this way but somehow some truth in these words shine through the mist from time to time. tonight is one of the nights that the truth's peeking through and making me doubt.
am i the real spare tire when it comes to friends and their down times. its like the analogy of tissue paper.
take and use when you NEED and throw and FORGET when you are done.
Pig did just that.
and i have a feeling this is not the first. ive been dumped like that before anyway...
dumped like garbage after i pull them from the water and forgotten forever.
its even sadder when i've never been in love and yet i've already been dumped so bloody many times i dont even realise it! sad aint it?! haiz...
do i need to explain more...
i dont even know why im doing things the way i do them now.
i must be either really dumb or utterly impossible because even the wise men are baffled at my stupidity.
i dont even know anything anymore.
i dont even know myself now.
i never consider myself wise anyway.
i wonder why i torture my soul when i know im reaching the breaking limit.
i wonder why i always offer that empty and fake warmth to the hurt.
i wonder why i allow people to hurt me and not react to the pain.
i wonder why i still sit by the roadside and remain the passer by A.
i wonder why i hide in the shadow and linger there until someone needs me.
i wonder why i linger in the dark and pine for the light.
i wonder why i fear yet yearn love because it hurts before it comes.
i wonder why i yearn for love and yet refuse to let it near.
i wonder why i feel tired instead of disappointment, saddness or even angst.
i wonder why i wrote this at this time instead of sleeping.
i wonder why i didnt cancel everything tomorrow to spend the day by the sea.
i wonder why i didnt cry when it should feel better to weep and sob.
i wonder why i didnt say l'amour until its too late.
i wonder why i am forcing myself to put something on my blog.
i wonder why i am playing and being nice when i can be really nasty.
i wonder why i cant think of anything anymore...
i wonder why i...........