just to lame an excuse

its time to celebrate! finish 3 exams in a row and its time to prepare for the next round in 2 days time. ahwell thats life!
at least i have something to do and celebrate for!
i believe i've become even more mature and realistic after this saga of anime like whirlwind.
at least thats what i think because im not going to miss outings with friends because i have a unhappy past with a someone in that group. thats just to lame an excuse to miss an outing like that. nor am i going to be like "i hate you and i hate you" forever because its simply not efficient and i want to spend every minute of my life properely without interference of meaningless things like that. so long im a good person, thats fine. so long i can face myself without qualms, thats enough.
and that behind, its time to revert and start being the me again!
let the fun and enjoyment begin!
oops... time to mug arh....
i want to transform into a chao(smelly in hokkien) mugger!
mugger power!!
p/s: just to note; i still love cats and rabbits if theres any doubt anywhere. this love for animals of all kinds have nothing to do with any relationship whatsoever. and never will! the animals are innocent for goodness's sake!
time for me to leave.
"Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear. Don't cry over anyone who won't cry over u. Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget. U can only go as far as u push. Actions speak louder than words. De hardest thing to do is watch de one u love, love someone else. Don't let de past hold u back, u're missing de good stuff. Life's short. If u don't look around once in a while, u might miss it. A best friend is like a four leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have. Some pple make de world special juz by being in it. When it hurts to look back, and u can look beside u and ur best friend 'll be dere. True friendships "never" ends. Friends r forever. Good friends r like stars. U don't alwayz see 'em, but u know they're alwayz dere. Don't frown. U never know who's falling in love with ur smile. Wat do u do when de only person u can make u stop crying is de person who made u cry? Nobody is perfect until u fall in love with 'em. Everything is ok in de end. If it's not ok, den it's not de end. Most pple walk in and out of ur life, but only friends leave footprints in ur heart. May today dere be peace within u. May u trust God that u're exactly where u're meant to be. "
thank you darling~
thats a really thought povoking and really calming comment there~
sorry but you forgot to leave a name or something...
but thanks anyway for this little comment which may be nothing to you made me think more clearly~
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