i forgot what the title should be....

nope its not the mosquito. but something far much more evolved than the mosquito.
its the 'I-dont-feel-like-logging-on' bug.
yes its been certified that i've got this disease and its quite troubling cos i do have short-term memory to say the least.
most of the time i forgot what is it that i wanted to put onto my blog say yesterday or just a mere 4 days ago.
something exciting.... something significant or pure lame?? nah cant remember....
anyway i finally log on and decided to do something like update this blog that has been nudging at the corner of my temples the past days.
so as i walked home from the increasingly huhs-&-errs.... french lesson, i ponder on what is it that i wanted to put down on my blog finally after forgetting it for more than a month maybe.
so i went after a toad at the void deck chasing after it back to the grass where its much safer, no, this is not what i wanted to put in lar~
oh yea it helped me remember something that happen when that wretched guy didnt want me.
joking lar~haha but then something magical happened.
my luck changed like *snap finger*
seriously, i went for the liquid nitro thingy and the nurse said im doing really fine and at a remarkable fast rate too, after which i decided to go window shopping at Novena Square which i never went to after any treatment so far. and i had that chance to shop for a dictionary for french at the MPH there and after that got a shoe (finally) for myself! yippee!!! but damn im a size 42 going to 43! (T.T) but apart from all that, i found $5 dollars in front of a really busy bus-stop. i actually stared at this lady staring at me pondering if i should pick it up. i picked it up and donated it anyway much to the dispair of that lady... (^.^)
so much for a guy afterall! its all worth it man! MAN!
im not trying to point out that that guy is a toad but its the cousin of a frog isnt it?!
after which i went on to munch on the honey stars that i bought from a petrol kiosk before the toad incident. then i realise..... i forgot what i realise..... nevermind i shall return after dinner and hopefully remember what it is! till then~
yum! oh yea the stars. i sent off a friend to england for her further studies. shes 3 hours away from where i might be going in 2 years time... sigh... well i bought a doggy and a four-leaves for good luck for her from mini-toons and well glad that she liked the doggy! anyway i met her at the airport after playing at the airport for around 3 hours alone except for the 1 hour dinner at the sakae sushi there wif my parents and siblings. it was fun actually~ i dont mind going there for outings or just to enjoy my sole company. she bought me chocolates~ her eyes went red when she gave them to me.... aww and i wanted to cry..... but i told her and myself that its not an occasion for tears but joy that she return triumph! okay a little overboard with that vocab but thats about it lar~ i bought a new bag there, 2 books: one on happiness and the other on chinese old superstitions, a black book and silver pen for penning stuffs down from TimesNewsLink. a cat pillow for my sister and brownie plus chilled coffee at the Caffe Ritazza which she recommended. took my fav skytrain and well basically enjoyed myself with that joy and fun i havent had in a long long time~ where did that feeling went?! but ah alas we have to leave each other and i realy hope shes fine there~ maybe i shall save enough to go visit sometime.
okay thats about it for now i think, if i remember and have that mental push to log on, then update i shall~
may the force be with you!
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