relm of escape

its been sometime since i updated.... yea its been a while
well i've been taking time off everything basically.... hiding for a while.
after that so called rejection, i was hit by a wave of self pity and blah blah that i sort of lose my train of thought and the usual me.
i became a little off in everyway you could ever think off.
i didnt feel like working cos couples keep turning up before me and i have to SMILE at them!*frowns*
and of all things i have to meet someone special whom i've told Ruth about. geez! why do things have to turn out like this?! anyway he did brighten up my day and yes i did come back to real life after hiding myself in me relm of gloom. although its embarrassing to let him find me dreaming into space everytime he pass by where i am haha.... and NO im not slacking on the job if you happen to be reading this! =P
but DAMN man i should have stayed and waited for him to knock off so that i can have my 'dinner' with him! sobz! *knock me head against the wall furiously*
yea its been like almost a week liao but im still caught up with thoughts of being with him.
you dont meet MANs out there who you can talk and walk along without glitches. its just that nice nice feeling that you cant find with someone else other than him... aww...
having gotten over that that friday night after meeting him*, i went off to perform with SPFband at esplanade concert hall on saturday for their 80th Anniversary. Congratulations!
its nice and well i did enjoy it.
theres so much to update and well i've forgotten about most of them already! oops...
you know, ive been surfing the web trying to find pictures but some how i cant find anything that suits my taste at the moment until i stumble over this pic. sweet hor haha!
anyway i just want tp leave a imprint of what shows ive seen and adored so far... funny how they seem to be lovey dovey stories... haiz....
well im trying my best to finish Inuyasha so that i can return them to my friend soon.
i watched Kiddy Grade before that but didnt liked it as much as Inuyasha.
before Inuyasha was Kenshin. but dunno why its not lovey enough haha!
for shows i has to be the Winter Sonata. No other show has beaten it off the placing yet.
and at the moment im waiting for the arrival of April Snow a movie and im really hoping that i would get to watch it with someone special lar! well thats a hopefully anyway... sigh....
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