NO amount of bug repellant can repel this SUPER bug!!!

Dear Geri:
im sorry about the whole episode. maybe iuts just that pure jealous feeling thats in most males that burnt out that final straw in your relationship. maybe its that many many times that you forgave him and we kept mum hoping that it'll not affect your relationship because we dont want you to be sad. but i guess we are the culprit, or maybe its just me, that made you sadder than him.
frankly speaking, i dont encourage people to breakup because i dont want to be the one to 'force' you to do things that you might regret and wel blame me. yes thats selfish of me i know but its just a principal. now that you announce the breakup officially, i guess i can talk about that more openly liao.
yea i knew how much a jerk he's been and how many times he made you really sad. i also knew that you wanted to break up much earlier but hung on maybe because of us pressuring you to stay on. yea i still remember the bunnies and the tears over the phone. its bad really bad. so bad that i wanted to tell you that you should just dump him, but i didnt... damn me if i should have done that earlier... who cares if he might just kill me if he's reading this? but the problem is i didnt know enough of whats going in your life to have a say, all i can say is what most people would think correct "stay on". but i guess its time that i learn to agree with you liao. must be frank and blunt to friends, correct?
well its just that after reading your entry, i thought that its also time that i do something to show that im sorry just like what you did for me the last time. well we are like not in the same school liao and we only have like the occasional weekends to meet up and recollect what we lost during the time when we're not together. its true that as we groe up we tend to just not have enough time for our friends and our families. but the bond is always there, right? well does it mean that if i make you angry in the future, you'll forgive me somehow??
i admit that there are times when im just not there for you especially this month and yes im realy sorry about that. well let put the keng thing behind and say that hes probably the only one whos there to share the woes with you so far when all of us are like MIA. maybe it time that i appreciate that hes our friend and that having him around does make things better.
medic+councellor = really not bad at all! well its also time that i learn that as your friends i have to be responsible and be there for you as you've always been there...well i cant ask you to be there 100% cos no body except non-humans can do that!
hey im not trying to slander you lar~ its just im not in the right frame of mind the last time cos im still fuming over that bakka!~ and for your information i dont intend to bug off you cos i did that and i almost lost a friend forever. at least i found her again and yes you've met her at the japanschool's summer festival.
yup! NO amount of poison or bug repellant can repel this SUPER bug!!! muahahah!
hugs hugs and more hugz,
1. i cant find a nice pic cos those that are suitable have wordings on them and well since your other blog says angel lenne ui fifure this is better to represent you~
3. i hope you still like blue cos well this blog is blue for a reason haha!
2.oh and i checked: buaya is not a lizard but a crocodile although i thought its a cute name... but i still prefer CAT.
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