November 10, 2006

The Penal Code (Chapter 224)

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) invites public feedback on the draft Penal Code (Amendment) Bill.

The Penal Code (Chapter 224) is Singapore's primary criminal legislation, with 511 sections in all. Based on the Indian Penal Code, it last underwent a major review in 1984, when mandatory minimum sentences were imposed for offences such as robbery and rape. Enhanced penalties were also introduced in 1998 for specific offences, such as causing hurt or grievous hurt, when committed against foreign domestic workers

read the amended papers here~

this is what's its all about. the amending and altering of The Penal Code (Chapter 224).
im no LAW student and you can trust me on that.
besides having a poor handle, not even close to grasp, on the necessity in law known as common sense and powderful language which i have absolutely NONE, nill, 零, null, zéro. everyone who knows me can testify to that. i swear really ar~

it says in the papers and due to my lack of interest and time to read indepth into the published bill as well as the news report, i only managed to catch a few points.

1. anal and oral sex are legal? or not?? (im confused but people can still engage in them with the doors locked and the blinds all drawn up what... isnt it??)
2. you can be charged for raping your wife if she didnt want sex that night or whatever time it is.
3.prostitution overseas may be illegal if the law stated in Singapore is broken, such as engaging in a minor.
4.Bloggers can be charged if what they say causes a 'big enough' uproar in the people...
erm... Ms Elite? nah i dont think so.
5. higher and wider range of fines so that judges can impose fine on a guilty within a larger and more flexible range.

isnt it interesting that these laws are revised and reviewed so that it can follow and stand up to the test of time. soon my, gay friends, Singapore may even legalise gay marriages likewise to UK. isnt it interesting how these laws meant to discipline us are subject to pressure from us and are forced to adapt to our way of lives so that it remains valid.
go ahead read it, even if its for the fun of it!
who knows, you may find some loop-hole to bring up in their feedback at the bottom of their page or you can teach us how to get around it!
okay i never said that,
im in an unstable state of mind to produce anything sane and logical~ please dont sue me...!!


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