grading versus being good
and yea its finally here and its an expected fail for my JLPT4 test last year end.
well the truth is im not prepared for the test at all cos i was so hooked up with A levels then and im so dead tired to actually study japanese language after that...
sigh my $$ down the drain... but never mind the karchua will prevail!!
as i always procrastinate that i will as usual...
time to brush up my japanese vocabulary and grammer liao~ maybe i'll try again this year lol
you know i find it hard to believe that MOE or everyone in the education sector believes in tests and grading for languages
i think the whole system simply sucks
language to me is something that one cannot test nor grade as a matter of fact.
what seemingly wonderful to you might be regarded as crap by me
language is simply judged by preference
and language is best represented by people under no stress or pressure to produce good works
so how can anyone say your english is good simply because you scored an A in 'O' levels
i did and truthfully my conduct of this language sucks lar
my vocab is like junior level and im happily staying at that level
GP is NOT a language lar!! is simply a teat to see how well you can reason, smoke, fight, quarrel you way out of a there-is-nothing-to-argue-about question
frankly speaking i would be a rather carefree person is i were to engage in GP writing all day unless im a reporter a columnist or a GP bounded personnel(teachers and students in JCs)
ahh the poor beings unless they actually enjoy debate which i do but overdose is not to my taste
so how can you say that my elders's japanese is NOT up to standard of they can communicate with japanese and has never learnt this language in school at all?!
and why is it that my neighbour's chinese as well as english sucked to the limit when they are taught profusely during school? but the dialect is superb?
wow! amazing right!
maybe i should become japanese and surround myself with japanese stuff so that i can turn japan-specking-writing-singing
haha joking lar!
now there is french to add to the already overfilled platter of mine in the language sector
how will karchua fair?
how will karchua survive?
will karchua reign supreme?!
lol something extracted from somthing i heard this afternoon....